
Macro Asset Perspective ® (MAP) Process

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Macro Asset Perspective (MAP)® is wealth accumulation strategy that encompasses principles of asset allocation relative to risk tolerance & tax treatment. Ultimately, the MAP is a strategy that maximizes future net retirement income. The MAP wealth accumulation strategy was developed in the early 1990s and has been taught and used by many of the nation's leading corporations.

MAP® encompasses the concepts of Vertical Diversification and Horizontal Diversification. That is the allocation of assets between Aggressive, Moderate and Safe investments, then adding in the concept of Pre-Tax and After-Tax allocation of assets to achieve a partially tax-free income in retirement. Thereby placing you in a lower tax bracket in the future and giving you more spendable retirement income.

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New York Life – Chicago’s financial advisors use a proprietary process called MAP, or Macro Asset Perspective®. In this process, our advisors deal with protection of assets, accumulation of wealth, building retirement income that cannot be outlived and leaving a lasting legacy.

The Process

During our process, first we introduce the scope of the work that we do and explain how New York Life provides products and services solutions to our clients. From there, we engage our clients in a Discovery process to uncover their objectives and current financial state. We then do a thorough Analysis of the Discovery Data and engage our team of professionals to develop a Summary Plan and Recommendations. We then Educate our clients as to their options and help them take Action to implement the plan. For many of our clients, they will then move from the MAP Foundations process to the full MAP, which more deals with the accumulation and placement of assets. Our goal is to develop lifetime partnerships with our clients to add value for them.

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MAP Financial Coordinator

Our Role

In this process, we act as a Problem-Solving Coordinator for our clients. We interact with the client’s team of professionals, develop action items and follow-up on those items to ensure that the plan is implemented.

Digging Into the MAP

The 12 green boxes in the image to the right represent the foundation of risk management planning. From there, our certified MAP Advisors can create a more comprehensive asset allocation model of your current assets and cash flow.

asset allocation graphic

Neither New York Life - Chicago, nor its management or agents provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal or accounting professionals before making any decisions.



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