About Our Firm

Who We Are

Money In Motion Inc. is a holistic planning firm whose mission is to make a positive difference in people’s lives. We incorporate personal, business and estate considerations into our plans and we work with independent professionals and business owners to achieve their financial goals. All of our planning has one goal in mind: to maximize wealth and minimize risk and sometimes with no additional out of pocket outlay.?

What we do

The bottom line is, we help people put their Money In Motion so they can better maximize their wealth. We help our business owner and individual clients understand complicated topics such as cash flow; savings, liquidity and asset protection needs; and tax implications of their savings. We do all of this through a one-page visual model, and then we take it one step further to identify gaps and areas that need tweaking in our client’s current financial positions. In addition, we provide a second-opinion service on life insurance products, legal planning documents, and retirement plans. We do our best to protect our clients from unnecessary taxes, and educate them on how to minimize, reduce and potentially eliminate taxes, as well as educate them on how to create a never ending chain of income during retirement.

How We Do It

Our firm uses a holistic approach to help our clients accumulate, protect and distribute their assets. We help clients achieve their most important financial goals through tax-efficient asset management strategies and we educate our clients on implications of retirement and savings vehicles. Some of the topics we like to educate our clients on include:?

  • The biggest risks in retirement
  • Inflation
  • Outliving their money
  • Volatility of returns
  • Tax law changes
  • Loss of principal

We strive to make sure our clients understand the importance of having both investments and insurance considered when planning for their future. We know that there is only so much money to work with, and oftentimes, it’s being used in a way where it can’t be used elsewhere. We try to place our client’s money in multiple-dollar-use vehicles, so that they are not only building wealth, they’re picking up additional benefits along the way. In the long run, we strive to protect people’s income, assets and lifestyles.

What makes us different

We’ve found that most planners focus on accumulating wealth. We’re different in that we also focus on the best strategies for spending at retirement. We understand it’s as important how much clients have at retirement, as it is how money is distributed so retirement can be enjoyed. At Money in Motion, we focus on financial strategies for maximizing wealth, not on specific financial products. We add value to our clients’ planning by introducing financial strategies in addition to products that many of our clients have never seen before, and creating combined plans that help them maximize their planning.



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